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  • large-daisy-flower-bed-for-frontyard

    12 daisy garden design for small yards

    Yesterday at my French class, we were learning an idiom phrase “manger les pissenlits par la racine” which literally translated into “eating the dandelion by its root”. Since it is an idiomatic phrase, its actual meaning is “s/he is dead and already buried”. From that single French idiom, many students started asking other type of […] More

  • fall baskets flower

    fall flowers for hanging baskets 2017

    It is Autumn 2017 soon. The fall is time to plant some nice fruity plant around the garden. It is also a time for flower which you can use to hang from the baskets. To welcome the Autumn, I’d like to share some beautiful flowers for hanging baskets here. You see fall flower needs to […] More