Laundry room is probably the least favorite place in your house. Not only it is stuffy but also is the place that explains the price tag on your electricity bill. To some, laundry room is a dumpster: the old toy of the first boy, the empty box from the last house move to the dirty cloth that will never be worn again. In short, it could be one of the most cluttered space in the entire house. On the other hand, with IKEA hack, you could turn your Laundry room into the most useful room in your resident.
Below you will find awesome organized ideas for your laundry room. By using products from IKEA, you not only keep your room functional but also keep your wallet happy. Without further ado, let’s delve into the inspiration to remodel your laundry room below.
IKEA Algot hack for laundry
The ALGOT Wall upright shelve from IKEA is a very versatile and budget friendly shelving system. They are mostly used in the pantry or laundry room. But thanks to its modular style, it can be fit almost anywhere, for instance check this under-stair storage IKEA hack as an example. Using the ALGOT shelf in laundry room is an excellent ideas, and that is exactly what Nicole and Jonathan of Florida had used in their remodel Laundry room. Similarly, just take a look at the following photo of how a 3 level shelf is being used in this Laundry Room.
In case you don’t know what items to be placed on those ikea shelve, i suggest you to think about these: Detergent, other cleaning supplies,lighter items and baskets to name a few – see photo below. In short the ALGOT shelving works best for tiny laundry room.
IKEA Cupboard with Cloth Hanger
The beauty of IKEA product is that they are modular i.e. they are quite similar to LEGO for the children. You just need to plug and play and you can combined various options to make a unique result. In below laundry ideas from IKEA, you can consider adding a hanger and a cupboard. Similar to the Shelving concept, the cupboard allows you to hide the dirty away the detergent, washing product from the plain sight. Likewise, the hanger allows you to use your tiny room in the most space efficient manner – see the photo below:

IKEA Storage Basket
My wife loves the IKEA Storage Basket as they are very user friendly for those wanting more functional space for their room. The basket comes in various shapes and forms. You could get the wall mounted basket or simple basket where you use to put your dirty clothes.

Your washing machine is in plain-sight, Help!
If you are living in a tiny space where your washing machine or/and the dryer is in plain sight, you will need this IKEA Hacks. I recall my old time at year 2 of university where I had installed a slim freestanding washing machine.
At that time, I did not bother to hide the machine away. My girlfriend would make a joke about my lack of interest to hide it away! Now fast forward to 2018, I have changed my style completely. Instead of not placing anything at all, I would have just gone to IKEA and get curtain rods and curtain and install them in my studio! Well, while the curtain wont stop the sound from leaking out, it helps to hide these machines from your guest’s view.
Get laundry hamper sorter ikea to help organize
No doubt, the number one mess that I could think of when it comes to the utility or laundry room is the lack of organization. It is imperative to have a proper storage, shelf, hanger and cabinet to help with proper organization. Without these items, you will simply not making full use of all the available space!
One of the simple way to declutter the space is to use the laundry hamper where you can buy it cheaper from Ikea or amazon. See some sample photos of how these hampers sorter can help your life!

Buy this Hamper Sorter on Amazon
Or how about something more sophisticate with these clothes hangers as well? This type of hamper sorter is more ideal for a bigger space utility room.

Conclusion Remark
I love Ikea hack thanks to its budget friendly modular product. I dont have to worry about spending too much money when trying to improve my home. Likewise, this post about Laundry room or Utility room hack contains quite a few inspirational ideas to organize your space without hurting your bank.
These are great tips to keep your laundry organized.