I was introduced to the rock climbing through my niece. She was 9 years old when I saw her rock climbed for the first time. It was during an occasion of a holiday in Jakarta where we visited one of the city’s indoor gym. The gym is a large, skinny and tall building. I would assume the wall stands between 3 to 5 storey high with a wall and rock like formation. It was definitely a challenge for many rookies (including me). However, it was a piece of cake for my niece who scaled the wall within minutes. For that reason, I had this idea in my head that what if kids started to rock climb since their earlier age? It would help resolve the problem of kids staring endless time on tv screen or iphone’s screen. As such, I decided to do further research and to share what I found.
How easy it is to build a climbing wall at home for toddler, you ask?
Building an indoor rock climbing panel at home doesn’t need to be so hard, you will need to have a strong wall i.e. not a partitioned wall and some climbing holds which you use to fix these items into the wall itself. And of course, if you prefer use a wooden plank, feel free to use your creative mind as well.
A home indoor climbing wall for toddler does not need to be complex. As explained before, the only main tools you need is the climbing holds. However, before start to build the wall, it is highly suggested you identify which rooms you want to install the climbing wall for your toddler. Next, you may need to perform a sketch of how you want to design the wall and finally is to consider the security aspect whereby you need to address the fall zone. And that is all! there you go, an easy to build climbing wall at home – see this link and this link for additional guides.
Bedroom climbing wall with mountain design
As seen from the photo below, one happy boy is enjoying his climbing up the wall. The playwood is painted in mountain design style to simulate the future adventure for this kid (as seen on growingspaces)
Atomik garage wall climbing for kids
Atomik is a famous brand on amazon who sells the climbing holds bolted on. very easy to install and limited lifetime warrantee for your children. Ideal for beginner and if you want to DIY project, click here to view the full tutorial on how to build a climbing wall in your car garage. At least one happy customer on Amazon has claimed his full satisfaction on his climbing hold thanks to its flexibility.
The smallest wall climbing for home diy
This DIY project is handled by the craftingchicks who also makes use of the bolt on atomik climbing holds in this tiny plywood. The end result is just as amazing for any toddlers to practice their climbing skill.
Tree shaped rock climbing wall
You may have read my post on tree shaped bookshelves here. Similar concept to that, this is a tree shaped climbing wall that you can do it yourself. click here to read the full tutorial on how to build this climbing wall for kids.
Bolt on rock climbing wall in children’s bedroom
The bedroom does not need to be dull for any adventurous boy. Like Seina here who is very brave to scale this bolt on rock climbing holds in her bedroom.

Creative bedroom rock climbing ideas
As seen on DecoPesque, this is one creative wall design for any rock climbers wannabe. As specified, Pedro is the son of the DecoPesque owner who wants to have the wall built for his climbing activities but his dad does not seem to be so keen on having one built onto his wall…. poor Pedro.
bunk bed rock climbing wall diy
I do have two boys and in their room, I have this huge bunk bed which I purchased from the local furniture store. If only I have seen the below photo earlier, I would have a climbing holds being install to the back of the bunk bed which then allows my two monkey to spend more time in their bed room… well, it is not too late for you yet, in case you want to start building one rock climbing wall for your toddler and kids.

Inclined climbing wall for bedroom
The freshdad has an interesting DIY project to transform a small bedrooms into a playground for the kids. In one of the post (see here), there is a slanted rock climbing wall. It seems to be a very easy DIY project. Well, only to some.
Cute toddler-friendly rock climbing wall
This photo below shows that rock climbing can be cute too. It can also be built into an advance climber or they can be toddler-friendly diy project as well.
Portable rock climbing wall for kids
Chris and Amy has five boys. Needless to say, it is a battle to keep them still for five minutes. Hence, Chris needs to think outside the box to keep their sons entertained without breaking the bank. One day, an ideas ran through his head which lead to this portable two side rock climbing wall for their five kids. Sure, you can build your own portable freestanding rock climbing wall too, by following Chris and Amy’s tutorial here.
rock climbing wall for toddler diy project
This project is done by Yosh from mommyoutnumbered, as a mother of a twin boy with an active husband who loves outdoor activities, rock climbing diy project for the twin boy is nothing new. As seen from the picture below, this seems to be an easy task for assemble the wall. According to Yosh, despite the floor is fully equipped with foam, she may consider buying helmets for the kids.. just in case.
Heavy duty rock climbing wall for toddler outdoor
This heavy duty climbing wall for toddler for outdoor use is a built by yourself project by Matt (see his post here for full tutorial). Apparently, this outdoor climbing wall has two sections and a completed project can be quite heavy. Despite all the precaution, using this climbing ball can be dangerous. Therefore, it is important to always consider the safety of your kids first.

Playground climbing wall panels for young children
If you have a strong solid outdoor wall, say a garage wall, why not add a few climbing holds and turns the wall into a mount Everest for the kids to enjoy? Do make sure the ground are soft by adding sands or soft pad to have a safe landing. Once again, safety of your young children should be paramount.
Easy DIY wooden plank rock climbing wall in bedroom for kids
Kids love actions. Many kids cannot stay still for more than 2 minutes. For that reason, many parents think about installing the wall climbing planks in the children bedroom. As an example, Leah from thesitsgirls has this simple to follow tutorial on how to install a climbing wall in any kids’ bedroom.
Rock climbing home décor ideas
Most boy’s first loved color is blue. Just see the photo below showing two boys scaling their bedroom’s wall. And how about girls? yes, some girls love adventurous color and activities too. What is important when considering décor ideas for rock climbing design for children is safety and colourful design. These two elements go hands in hand and would help to attract children to enjoy the wall climbing activities even more while keeping them safe and sound.

Cute toddler scale a wall at his bedroom

Conclusion Remark
Now that you have witness many different type of rock climbing wall for indoor and outdoor in the comfort of your home, I have just one last reminder: safety. Yes, safety first. You want to make sure the fall zone is well protected with foam and soft items to protect your children from hard landing. And yes, enjoy!
Other resources:
- https://www.architectureartdesigns.com/23-awesome-climbing-walls-kids/
- https://everlastclimbing.com/product-category/climbing-walls/home-climbing-walls/
- https://www.handmadecharlotte.com/8-awesome-outdoor-diy-projects-for-kids/
- https://deavita.net/indoor-rock-climbing-wall-ideas.html
- https://www.decorationy.com/interior-design/best-kids-climbing-wall-ideas/
Wow! really nice idea. Kids like it very much. I have to provide this indoor rock climbing wall for my kids. Kids must love it. It also helps this physical growth.Thanks for this great ideas
Wow! really nice idea. Kids like it very much. I have to provide this indoor rock climbing wall for my kids. Kids must love it. It also helps this physical growth.Thanks for this great ideas