Yesterday at my French class, we were learning an idiom phrase “manger les pissenlits par la racine” which literally translated into “eating the dandelion by its root”. Since it is an idiomatic phrase, its actual meaning is “s/he is dead and already buried”. From that single French idiom, many students started asking other type of flowers. One student, who was a big fan of camomile tea asked what is “daisy” in French since this type of flow is very much similar to the camomile. As to the answer “daisy flower” in French is called “Marguerite“. Yes, today’s post is about “marguerite jardin” or “daisy flower garden”. Let’s check them out here.
Daisy flower garden in front yard
Well, usually one would plant the daisy flower together with other plants to make them look great together. These type of flowers are not easily found in any Japanese garden but mostly can be found in the US style garden instead. See some design below.

Daisy flower bed in small back yard
Now, it’s time to turn our view to a small back yard, these photos are designed daisy flower bed for small yard. Hope you enjoy them.

Flower Arrangement with Daisy
Besides having daisy in your garden, you definitely can make use of these type of flowers for your arrangement. It could be something for your gifts who visit your house or it could serve as a flower arrangement for your living room. It definitely give you an added beauty to your cozy home.
Conclusion Remark
What is the point of having a small back yard when you do not plant any liveable flowers or bushes? Indeed. It is like a dead space when you have a yard and do not know what to do with it. Why not go on and plant some of the daisy flower which would add another perspective to your already small space.