
How to choose Best Solar System for Home

Are you finally ready to invest in a solar system for your home?

When you start looking at solar panels for your house, you’re quickly inundated with information about how they work, how many you’ll need, and which companies provide the best service. It can get overwhelming if you’re not overly well-versed in solar power facts. But it doesn’t have to be.

In this post, we’re going to prepare you for this big purchase by telling you the 4 things to look for when choosing the best solar system for home use. If you get a great solar system, you’ll not only be helping the planet, but you’ll be saving loads of money along the way, so let us help you get this decision right.

1. First, Calculate How Much You Need

Before you start looking at different types of solar panels, it’s smart to have a good idea of how much power you need to generate to offset your power usage. This will tell you how many solar panels you should be installed, which you can then compare against your budget.

To figure this out, you can use one of the many free solar calculators online, or talk to a solar provider about your bills and they can let you know what you’ll need. Obviously, the more solar panels you decide to install, the more expensive it will be, but the more efficient your system will be as well.

2. Finding the Right Solar Company

As one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, there are going to be many solar companies vying for your business. To figure out which one is best for you, perform a quick Google search for solar companies near you. You have to be able to trust the company that you hire, so come up with a list of questions and concerns and take it to them.

3. Production, Durability, Efficiency

There is more than one type of solar panel on the market, so you need to get informed to figure out which one you want for your home. First, there’s monocrystalline, which is more efficient and sleeker-looking, but also more expensive to install. For a lower price point, there are polycrystalline panels, which aren’t as efficient and have a blue hue to them.

If you want something completely different, you can go with thin-film solar power, which is more flexible and lightweight than the more popular and more efficient mono and polycrystalline.

4. Choose Inverter Wisely

An inverter converts the energy from the sun, turning it from DC into AC, which you can then use in your home. You can either get a string inverter or a module-level power electronics inverter, depending on your situation.

If your home is situated in perfect conditions for energy production, then a string inverter should suffice, despite it being a much cheaper option. MLPE’s are more efficient (and more expensive), but only really necessary when there’s shading on your panels or you can’t direct them perfectly.

Get the Best Solar System For Home Use

Now that you know a bit more about the intricacies of shopping for solar panels, you can try to find the best solar system for home applications. With the help of a great installer, the process should be quick and easy. Once you’ve got solar installed, you can say goodbye to your pricey electricity bills once and for all.

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